A stack of white, quilted mattress enhancers by Shaws is placed atop a wooden surface, with a plush appearance indicative of added comfort and support

Best Mattress Toppers Ireland


The secret to transforming your nightly rest into a luxurious escape might be one layer away: a premium mattress topper could be your ticket to upgrading your sleeping space. 

Imagine sinking into a bed that cradles you in comfort, turning your old mattress into a snug retreat where every night feels like a rejuvenation ritual. If that sounds good to you, join us as we look into how a top-tier mattress topper in Ireland can be the game-changer for your sleep experience.

What is a Mattress Topper?

A mattress topper is a great way to enhance your mattress for a better night's sleep. It provides added comfort and support to your bed, improving sleep quality. Available in materials like memory foam, latex, polyester, gel, and wool, each offers distinct advantages, from body contouring to temperature regulation. 

Toppers also vary in thickness and firmness for personalised comfort. Experts suggest that the ideal thickness for a mattress topper varies, but generally ranges between 2 to 4 inches to provide optimal comfort and support. They can rejuvenate an old mattress, extending its life and can be a budget-friendly alternative to purchasing a new mattress. Most of them have washable covers and elastic straps for convenience and maintenance. 

Mattress Toppers vs Mattress Protectors

Mattress toppers and mattress protectors serve distinct functions. A mattress topper is a layer of cushioning that can be placed on top of a mattress to enhance its comfort and support. Toppers come in various materials, such as memory foam or latex, and can also help extend the life of a mattress by reducing surface wear.

A mattress protector is designed to shield your mattress from dust, spills, and wear and tear. It often features waterproof materials and can provide an additional barrier against allergens and pests.

Why Invest in a Mattress Topper?

A cosy and inviting bed set in a modern bedroom featuring a plush, cream-coloured duvet from Shaws, complemented by matching pillows. The bed is set against a rustic wooden headboard and a white brick wall, with natural light streaming in from a window to the side.


A mattress topper can improve sleep by adding comfort to an old or too-firm mattress. They come in a variety of quality materials tailored to different comfort preferences and can be a cost-effective way to extend the life of your mattress without buying a new one. Toppers can also have orthopedic benefits; they can improve spinal alignment and create a healthier sleep environment by serving as a hypoallergenic barrier. 

Different Types of Mattress Toppers

Different types of mattress toppers offer varying benefits, allowing you to find the perfect match for your sleep needs. Here, we'll explore some of the most popular types of mattress toppers available in Ireland:

Cooling Mattress Toppers

If you're struggling with overheating during the night, a cooling mattress topper and cooling pillowcase could be the solution for better sleep. Gel-infused, breathable bamboo and natural fibre options like cotton mattress protectors provide temperature regulation, keeping you cool and comfortable. 

These materials not only cool but also offer additional support and comfort for your mattress. When choosing a topper, consider the thickness for cushioning and firmness for support. A quality cooling topper can significantly improve your sleep by keeping you cool, supporting your body, and ensuring you wake up refreshed.

Memory Foam Mattress Toppers

Memory foam mattress toppers offer personalised comfort by moulding to your body and reducing pressure points for pain-free sleep. They're excellent for reducing motion transfer, making them ideal for those who share a bed with active sleepers. 

Many come with washable covers and adjustable straps for easy maintenance and a secure fit. Available in various thicknesses and firmness levels, memory foam toppers cater to different comfort preferences and can greatly extend the comfort life of your mattress with durable, long-lasting materials.

Latex Toppers

Latex mattress toppers offer a blend of support and comfort, contouring to the body to alleviate pressure and improve spinal alignment. Their open-cell structure enhances breathability, which is beneficial for hot sleepers or those in warmer climates. 

Eco-friendly and hypoallergenic, these anti-allergy mattress protectors are available in various thicknesses and firmness levels and can be tailored to individual comfort preferences for an improved sleep experience.

Feather & Down Toppers

Feather mattress toppers are a luxurious choice for superior comfort and support, providing a plush, cloud-like sleep experience. They add a layer of softness to any mattress, easing aches and promoting spinal alignment. These toppers are also breathable, helping to regulate temperature for a cooler sleep, beneficial for those who tend to feel hot at night. 

Plush Mattress Enhancers

Plush mattress enhancers offer a cushioning layer for added comfort and a luxurious sleep experience. They are ideal for those who find their mattress too firm, as they provide additional softness and support to alleviate pressure points. These toppers help distribute body weight evenly, reducing motion transfer for undisturbed rest, even with a partner.


Close-up of a soft, fleece mattress enhancer from Shaws, showing its plush, textured fabric in a creamy white shade. The detailed stitching creates a quilted pattern, suggesting a comfortable and luxurious addition to a bed's comfort.

What Kind of Mattress Topper is the Most Comfortable?

To find the most comfortable mattress topper, consider your preference for material and firmness:

  • Memory foam toppers provide a plush feel with body-contouring support and motion isolation. 
  • Firm mattress toppers are usually latex, with durable support and spine alignment. 
  • Hybrid toppers combine memory foam's softness with a supportive base for balanced comfort. The thickness impacts comfort—thick mattress toppers are cushier, while thinner ones offer subtle enhancement. 
  • Toppers with breathable, washable covers add to the overall comfort. 

Choose based on your comfort and support needs for a better night's sleep.

How To Choose the Right Mattress Protector for Your Bed?

Choosing the right mattress protector is essential for maintaining the longevity and cleanliness of your bed. Not only does it protect your mattress from spills, stains, and dust mites, but it also adds an extra layer of comfort to enhance your sleep experience. 

With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your specific needs. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a mattress protector:

Comfort Level: Firmness and Softness

Selecting the right mattress topper hinges on personal comfort preference. If you need a firmer feel, memory foam toppers offer body-conforming support that evenly distributes weight, easing back pain. 

For a softer touch, feather-filled or Spundown® enhancers give a plush, cloud-like sensation, ideal for pressure relief. Hybrid toppers blend support with softness, suitable for those seeking a middle ground. 

Since comfort is subjective, assess your specific needs and preferences, like back support or cushioning, to find your ideal firmness level for a restful sleep.

Material: Choosing the Right Fabric

The fabric of a mattress topper is key for comfort and durability. 

  • Cotton mattress protectors are breathable and cool, ideal for those who overheat at night, while also being soft and hypoallergenic. 
  • Polyester is durable, wrinkle-resistant, and easy to care for, offering a budget-friendly choice. 
  • Fleece mattress protectors provide extra warmth and a plush feel, making them perfect for colder climates or those who prefer a cosier sleep surface.
  • Eco-conscious sleepers might prefer natural materials like wool, which regulates temperature and wicks moisture, or bamboo, which is soft, breathable, and sustainable. 
  • Blended fabrics can offer a mix of these benefits. 

When choosing, factor in the fabric’s breathability, softness, maintenance needs, and personal health considerations to find a topper to enhance your sleep quality.

Thickness and Density: Finding the Perfect Fit

Choosing a mattress topper involves considering thickness and density for optimal comfort and support. 

Thicker toppers offer more cushioning, ideal for those who like a plush feel, while thinner ones maintain the mattress's original feel with a slight enhancement. For alleviating back pain, a mattress topper with a thickness of at least 3 inches is often recommended, as it provides substantial cushioning and support for the spine. A 5cm (approximately 2 inches) mattress topper is considered sufficient for added comfort, but may not provide enough support for those with specific sleep needs or preferences.

Size: Matching Your Mattress Dimensions

When choosing a mattress topper in Ireland, select one corresponding to Irish mattress dimensions to guarantee the best fit and performance. Be aware of your mattress's size—Small Single, Single, Small Double, Double, King, or Super King—and opt for a topper slightly smaller than your mattress to avoid any shifting. 

The right size mattress protector is essential for creating an even and comfortable sleeping surface, especially if you share the bed, to guarantee that both sleepers have sufficient space. If your mattress has bespoke dimensions, seek out toppers that offer custom sizes. 

Where to Buy Mattress Toppers in Ireland?

The path to unparalleled sleep comfort could be just a mattress topper away. With the variety of materials, thicknesses, and features available, there's a perfect match for everyone. 

Whether you're looking for the body-conforming softness of memory foam, the cooling relief of mattress protectors, or the natural support of latex, the best mattress enhancers in Ireland await you at Shaws

Come and explore our extensive collection and find the ideal solution to transform your mattress into a haven of restful sleep. Experience the difference a high-quality mattress protector can make today.

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