Tara Lane

*Note: All Tara Lane orders are sent directly from the supplier, and have an expected delivery time of 7-10 working days.
We make it simple to stay on top of the latest trends in interior design with quality furniture and home interiors that are in vogue, well designed and attractively priced. And because we recognise the importance of being responsive to market trends, we work hard to stay ahead of developments in design and manufacturing and to have systems in place that guarantee a swift route to market as tastes change and new designs go into production.
“We believe that everyone deserves beautiful, well designed products in their home.”

An Irish business in operation for almost three decades, Tara Group (formerly Tara Giftworks) supplies high-street retailers across Ireland with attractively priced, on-trend home interiors and furniture aimed at the style-conscious consumer who loves good yet affordable design. As one of the country’s most established interiors suppliers, we believe in taking care of our customers – in being approachable, genuine and open. And by ensuring our products always represent style, value and quality, we also aim to enhance the reputation of those who do business with us.

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